Holvoet: Symptomen, Oorzaken en Behandeling

Holfoot: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

A arch foot is a foot condition in which the arch of the foot is higher than normal. This can lead to various symptoms and discomfort in the foot. If you are experiencing symptoms of a arched foot,...

TipsHet belang van lichaamsbeweging voor uw gezondheid

The importance of exercise for your health

Exercise has many benefits for your physical and mental health. Regular exercise can keep your heart and blood vessels healthy, strengthen your muscles and bones, and strengthen your immune system....


Stay informed about exercises, news and more!

TenenHet fenomeen van nagelbloeding

The phenomenon of nail bleeding

Nail bleeding is a condition in which blood accumulates under the nail plate. There are several causes, including trauma and nail psoriasis. It is important to know how to recog...

EnkelDe Verstuikte Enkel: Alles Wat Je Moet Weten Om Snel Te Herstellen

The Sprained Ankle: Everything You Need To Know To Recover Fast

A sprained ankle is a common injury that can occur with sports or everyday activities. It is important to rest the ankle and provide proper care to aid recovery. If pain and swelling persist or if ...

VoetenMorbus Sever: Hielpijn bij kinderen

Morbus Sever: Heel pain in children

Morbus Sever is a common condition in children who often exercise. It is caused by excessive stress on the growth plate in the heel and can cause pain and tenderness. Most children make a full reco...

KnieFat Pad Syndroom: een veelvoorkomende oorzaak van kniepijn

Fat Pad Syndrome: A Common Cause of Knee Pain

Fat Pad Syndrome, also known as Hoffa Syndrome, is a condition in which the fatty tissue under the kneecap becomes inflamed. This can lead to pain and swelling in the front of the knee. The cause o...

TenenVoorkom wintertenen tijdens koud weer

Prevent chilblains during cold weather

Chilblains can be annoying and painful, especially during cold weather. Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to prevent chilblains. From wearing warm socks to protecting your toes ...

TenenMorton's Neuralgie: Oorzaken en behandelopties voor tintelingen en doofheid in de tenen

Morton's Neuralgia: Causes and Treatment Options for Tingling and Numbness in the Toes

Morton's Neuralgia is a condition associated with tingling or numbness in the toes. It is caused by pressure on the nerves that control the toes. This article discusses the causes and treatment opt...

OverigWat is podologie en hoe kan een podoloog helpen?

What is podiatry and how can a podiatrist help?

Podiatry is the study and treatment of foot and ankle problems. A podiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating foot problems, including disorders of the skin, nai...

TenenArtrose in de tenen: een pijnlijke aandoening met een impact op het dagelijks leven

Osteoarthritis in the toes: a painful condition with an impact on daily life

Osteoarthritis of the toes is a common condition that can cause pain, stiffness and limitations in movement. It can be caused by old age, overweight, excessive strain on the feet and uncomfortable ...