De Verstuikte Enkel: Alles Wat Je Moet Weten Om Snel Te Herstellen

The Sprained Ankle: Everything You Need To Know To Recover Fast

A sprained ankle is a common injury that can occur with sports or everyday activities. It is important to rest the ankle and provide proper care to aid recovery. If pain and swelling persist or if ...

OverigWat is podologie en hoe kan een podoloog helpen?

What is podiatry and how can a podiatrist help?

Podiatry is the study and treatment of foot and ankle problems. A podiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating foot problems, including disorders of the skin, nai...


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OverigHaglundse exostose: Wat is het en hoe behandelen we het?

Haglund's exostosis: what is it and how do we treat it?

Haglund's exostosis is a condition in which there is a bony prominence at the back of the heel bone. The condition mainly occurs in people with a hollow foot, skaters and people who wear shoes that...

EnkelZenuwklachten in de voeten: oorzaken en behandeling

Nerve complaints in the feet: causes and treatment

Nerve complaints in the feet can have different causes and can affect a person's quality of life. Treatment depends on the specific cause of the nerve damage and can range from adjusting foot care ...

OverigAchillodynie - wat is het en hoe behandel je het?

Achillodynia - what is it and how do you treat it?

Achillodynia is a condition in which the tendon of the calf muscles becomes inflamed, usually due to overuse or an injury. The symptoms are pain and stiffness in the calf muscles and around the hee...

BenenVoet pronatie: begrijp deze belangrijke term en hoe het uw voeten en looppatroon beïnvloedt

Foot Pronation: Understand this important term and how it affects your feet and gait

Foot pronation is an important term to understand if you want to improve your gait and health. It is normal to have a certain amount of pronation when walking, but excessive pronation can lead to p...